EVENT: “MEET, GREET & VOICE” on SWAN DAY — International “Support Women Artists Now” Event
DATE: Saturday, 28 March 2015 TIME: 11 am - 2 pm WHERE: The Lighthouse/Studio 5 O 2, Riverside Artist Lofts WHAT: A PARTY! For northern Nevada women artists: join host and dance artist L. Martina Young and the International Community of Women Artists for a “SWAN DAY” event - an international holiday acknowledging ‘Support Women Artists Now.’ “SWAN DAY” was initiated by author Isabel Allende and a group of international women artists based in the Berkeley, California 7 years ago; it is an organizational event that has since grown worldwide. Martina initiates a SWAN DAY event in mutual solidarity with and for women artists of northern Nevada. Bring: Please bring a favorite food dish to share; speak to and for yourself and your work in the world; website/information; your generative supportive being. Beverages will be provided. RSVP: E: [email protected] P: 775.324.3441 W: http://www.apoeticbody.com |